Ahoy there shipmates! Dive into fantastic seaside adventures with the delightful Sea Otter family.
Sea Otter Father, Colin Cove, carries his shell purse everywhere just in case he finds some treasure on the way. Sea Otter Mother, Myra Cove, loves exploring the beach with her family and teaching her children how to swim. Sea Otter Babies, Kayley and Courtney Cove, come along for the ride in their adorable seashell pushchair and are holding their favourite seashell toys!
Whether searching for sea creatures or hunting hidden treasures, Sea Otter Family are ready for a day of fun and exploring on the beach in matching nautical outfits and have gorgeous flocked fur in realistic shades of brown and white. This 5-piece set contains;
- 1 x Sea Otter Father figure
- 1 x Sea Otter Mother figure
- 2 x Sea Otter cradled baby figures
- 1 x seashell pushchair